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Separately Managed Accounts

Core Equity Growth

Separately managed accounts from Syracuse’s top financial planning firm offer a more customized approach to investing. Our core equity growth portfolio consists of high-quality small, mid and large-cap stocks, which have: 1) a blend of domestic and international exposure, 2) a 10-year average of 15% return on equity or higher, 3) high discretionary cash flow, 4) consistent earnings and dividend growth, and 5) global brand name franchises. These high-quality stocks are acquired in a "buy and hold" process, with the average hold period of approximately five years. When our firm manages separately managed stocks, securities are sold only after extensive in-house research.


Our balanced portfolio is structured to create the best combination of safety and income, as well as potential capital appreciation. Reflecting many of the same stocks as our equity growth portfolio, our balanced investment portfolio contains an amount devoted to cash/fixed income investments specific to the client's situation. We utilize diversified, low-cost bond ETF's and Mutual Funds for fixed income exposure. Our end goal is to construct an appropriately balanced, easy to understand portfolio that will meet a client's income and cash flow needs.

Equity Income

Our equity income portfolio is structured more towards dividend paying equities, which is designed for increasing portfolio income. Our investment portfolio management team searches for high-quality companies that have a consistent history of paying and increasing dividends, thus allowing for a portfolio whose yield is always above the S&P 500. Each company is screened also for growth characteristics so that the portfolio can generate both income and capital appreciation. Our equity income portfolio is managed to participate in up markets, and outperform in down markets, all the while paying the investor income.