Jim Burns working at his desk

Separately Managed Accounts

Core Equity Growth

Investment portfolios in our equity growth portfolio take a long-term investment approach. Growth of capital is the priority over minimizing portfolio volatility. Investors in our equity core growth portfolio understand and are comfortable with the fact that short-term volatility is a price to be paid for potential higher long-term returns. Portfolio will consist of a client by client determined allocation among equities, fixed income, and cash.


Emphasis is on both current income and future capital appreciation. Principal risk and fluctuation are expected and acceptable over the intended investment time. Portfolio will consist of a client by client determined allocation among equities, fixed income, and cash.

Equity Income

Our equity income portfolio is a blend of dividend yielding stocks and traditional growth stocks. Emphasis is on both current income and future capital appreciation. Principal risk and fluctuation is expected and acceptable over the intended investment time horizon. Portfolio will consist of a client by client determined allocation among equities, fixed income, and cash.

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